Morning came online, stirring the grey matter and lifting the fog. But, Mender7, a.k.a. Douglas Mackel, wasn't having it. Or, at least wasn't planning to. His neural feed slinked soothingly through his synaptic gaps, making the most of the dark sleep; dormant patterns of light and the simulacrum of subconscious sounds, dead to the world. Would that the world be dead to him. Truce. Mender's clandestine domestic network overrides kept the Wonder Bun 4 unit's single window permanently shuttered against the light of day and night. Strictly speaking, this was against WB4 policy. Residents of Wonder Bun 4, or rather the units themselves, were programmed to capitalize on select timed-exposures to daylight. Something about balancing solar ingestion against the abundant, some might say excessive, consumption of energy by the residents within. But Mender7 wasn't about to capitulate several hours of useless squinting for an hours worth of solar reclamation. As far as he was ...
Mender7, a.k.a. Douglas Mackel, lives in the Rhed sector. But he's no technophobe. However, someone just flatlined his stem and now he has to decide if he's ready to face the world. A better question is... is the world ready for him?